
Club prides itself on delivering high quality holiday experiences at affordable prices.

Each staff member will have had exceptional travel experience, be well traveled and knowledgeable about Florida, America and the global travel industry.

You can expect customer service second to none from our consultants, and we will always deliver impartial advice. We will not promote offers to our customers unless the customer is the one who benefits from the promotion.
With Club, you deal with people and we will never supply you with anything until we understand you so we can deliver the results you need.

Our customers are not robots, so out of respect we do not give you robots to use on the Internet. When you book journeys all over the globe, we must be with you to until you return.

Welcome to Club
IATA, ATOL & ABTA Protection
Club act as retail agents for ATOL Protected agencies governed by the Civil Aviation Authority. Club also acts as retail agents for IATA & ABTA protected companies. All bookings made with Club are financially protected under the relevant supplier protection bonds. These securities are mainly extended to customers who are based and book and pay in the United Kingdom. For you security, all tickets and reference numbers are issued & supplied instantly for all clients. For booking conditions, please speak to your consultant.